Marriage Healing 
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Health & Well-being   Guidance  for Wives Guidance for Husbands


Welcome to Heaven Ministries ~ Marriage & Health Healing Ministry ~ 

 We Believe God Designed Marriage to be Indissoluble
(Gods contract of marriage cannot be broken)

Jesus Christ is our CHURCH, LIVING inside of us and we follow His guidance for our lives in everything! It is never only in some things that we follow His guidance because a person either is or is not. 

"Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and His righteousness and all of these things will be added unto you." Matthew 6:33

Frank and Angie (married 38-years) have managed Heaven Ministries Marriage Healing Ministry since 2002 and have helped thousands of couples in their marriage and personal lives to have a deeper understanding of what marriage really is all about. 

This ministry has published thousands of articles, numerous eBooks and newsletters, and marriage help guidance to encourage couples in their marriage and personal healing. Take a look around. 

All the written materials on Heaven Ministries references the pure word of God as its source! We believe God established marriage, controls marriage, and is the healer of marriage. MARRIAGE BELONGS TO GOD!

You can restore your marriage back to God. 

We  encourage and counsel couples to save marriage from divorce and restore marriage to God.. Over the years through counseling on a personal level with hundreds of couples we have been enlightened as to "why" so many marriages end in divorce.  It stems from beliefs and non commitment to the sanctity of marriage! So we started the Godly Courtship Ministry. Read on.

With this newfound Godly wisdom we have created Godly Courtship in preparation to marriage ministry. What do you think God's will is for you and your relationships? How prepared we are for marriage will make a big impact on how healthy the marriage will be. 

Most people when they get married are NOT ready emotionally or spiritually for marriage. If you are a single Christian person and would like to find out what God has in store for you and your relationships then visit our Godly Courtship ministry

We also encourage and support people in their health goals. Having good health positively impacts our relationships with others and provides a good mental and spiritual outlook on life as well. Frank and Angie strive to be fit and healthy and take strides to work towards a happy, long, and fruitful marriage and family life. 

     We Believe God Designed Marriage to be Indissoluble
(Gods contract of marriage cannot be broken by any state)

Welcome to Gods Words on Marriage!

First of all, we want to let you know that before we can help you in your marriage, both husband and wife must be willing to accept Jesus Christ into their hearts and minds first and receive inner self-healing; otherwise you will be spinning around in circles--marriage cannot be restored unless our hearts and minds are restored to God and we are healed.

This takes a deep inner soul searching and a true relationship with God. Not a superficial relationship through your Pastor or spouse, but your own individual relationship, according to your needs through prayer and communion with God. In other words, ask Christ to forgive you and help you to "to love" your husband or wife in the proper ways. The spot light is on you during this process because it is all about "your healing".

We have to give up this life, this attitude, this way of thinking, and deny ourselves and be crucified on the cross just like Jesus. We have to be willing to give up our selfish life for a new life with Christ. (Luke 14:33)

The Declaration of Marital Status will help you understand the healing process. Work on yourself first and then work on your marriage. This is VERY important because we all need healing. and without first taking care of our inner issues and mend the scars that consume us, we will not be able to LOVE our spouse appropriately, in the ways of our LORD.


There is no wrong way or right way to accept healing for yourselves. God asks us to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.  (John 4:24) "Going to church" will not help you be saved or to understand the "saving process"  Jesus Christ IS NOT IN A BUILDING called church, BUT IN OUR HEARTS AND IN OUR MINDS, if you allow Him to be there.

This is a spiritual growth process that cannot be rushed--you have to be patient and seek God's will for your life at all times. If you're not sure about something, grab your bible, pray about it and talk to God. Wait on God's guidance and counsel for you, He will provide for your needs. (Psalm 46:10)

It is okay to "go to a building called church", if that is what you want, but it is not necessary for true inner healing! You can worship God in Spirit and in Truth wherever you are!!

We feel "going to church" actually stunts the spiritual growth process of a person, and not only that but most churches, (not all) do not teach scripture properly and many people that "go to church" are deceived!

"Going to church" is an outward show making the appearance of being good but God cares about what is inside; what is not seen. God cares about our sincerity and faith in Him. If we are not doing His will then what are we getting from "going to church"?  People who go to church call themselves Christians but many of them are NOT following Jesus Christ because they have been deceived in different ways through the state-run places they call church today!  

Jesus Christ is our CHURCH, LIVING inside of us and we follow His guidance for our lives in everything!


Once you have started the healing process and have restored your hearts and minds to God (walking His will for your life) it is then you can begin to work on the marriage by "loving one another in the ways of God." God has given husband and wives each their own roles and position in marriage, and couples must understand how to apply their roles and then live out their marriage according to God and the principles He has outlined for your roles. 

Our marriage healing from A To Z area is especially good for encouraging couples to understand roles and duties for marriage under the headship and submission categories. This is what grounds your actions and gives you a firm foundation for your marriage. 

We also have an  area called "Angie's Marriage Columns" where once a week we personally respond to marriage concerns and requests for help; Having started this section from 2007 to 2016 there are hundreds of biblically based resources at your fingertips, so be sure to check out the categories at Angie's Marriage Columns  to see if your marriage issue is there. Angie spends four to five hours each week doing the study, research and prayer to answer individual concerns sent into our ministry. And it all comes straight from the Word of God!

Frank and I counsel married couples over telephone conference and or video when both husband and wife are willing to work on restoring the marriage to God. It takes spiritual effort to heal ourselves and restore our marriage, but it is well worth the effort because it gives us a much closer relationship with God and gives us an enormous understanding about our lives and God's will for our lives, and a totally new perspective that we did not have before. (1 Samuel 16:7)

Subscribe to our marriage videos and be encouraged!  http://www.youtube.com/user/TheHeavenMinistries  

Sign up to our weekly marriage columns and seek Godly counsel for your marriage.  http://www.heavenministries.com

"Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and His righteousness and all of these things will be added unto you." Matthew 6:33

We continually pray for the restoration of marriage and family to God!
In Christ,

Frank and Angie 
Heaven Ministries
Marriage Healing Ministry

Heaven Ministries
Scriptural Romance in Preparation to Marriage

Frank, Angie and three sons continue to assist and encourage couples all over the world to restore their lives and 
marriage with God.

Heaven Ministries Healing Videos

Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother,
and shall cleave unto his wife; and they shall be one
flesh. (Genesis 2:23,24 KJV)

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Heaven Ministries
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