How To Love The Woman
You Married God created the sexes equal and yet they each have
different temperaments, personalities, and behaviors that compliment one
another. The best way to love the woman you married is to understand
those differences. Your wife likes it when you express your feelings to
her, rather than keeping your feelings bottled up.
She wants details from your heart and mind, not curt yes and no
answers. You’re not with the guys anymore when you come home from
work. A woman feels closer to her man when he talks about
himself and can openly discuss issues within himself. Tell her what is
bothering you. Don’t hold stuff in and get resentful over it.
Emotional and psychological infidelities are caused from the lack of
emotional intimacy between couples. Always keep the communication lines
open between you and your wife. This will keep the marriage intimate and
active. When couples stop talking, that’s when to start worrying. I don’t care how long you have been married your
wife still wants to hear the words “I love you” every single day.
Many wives want to be held by you for at least one full minute every
single day. She wants to be “shown” your love for her by your manly
protection of her. Do not be intimidated to exert your God-given
headship position in the marriage. That is what God made you for. This
is actually the proper way to love and care for the woman you married.
Be her man so she can be your woman. God gave the male sex the instinctive ability to be a protector of women and children. The captain always goes down with his ship, or is the last one off the ship. Where are you in your marriage? First or last? You should put your wife’s well being above yours. You’re the captain and she is your first mate. She comes first!! Your buddies, your
work, your sports, hobbies, or your parents are not your first mate – your wife
is. When a man puts his own Captain first in his life
he will not have any problems respecting and loving his wife in the ways
that are meant for him to love her. In marriage there will be some days
when your wife may get overly emotional, dramatic, cranky, or talkative.
So what! Let her be. Don’t put her down by telling her she is
emotional. Grin and bear it instead. Are you the captain of your ship? Don’t take your wife’s emotions personally.
Usually all she really needs is your understanding and support of her
feelings. Give her a back massage and take the kids for the day. And
remember that a woman’s hormones tend to get a bit wacko during
ovulation and “forty something” women may behave more emotional than
normal because of perimenopause. This I know for a fact. The herb called
Black Cohosh works great for this, by the way ladies. Call your
local health food store and see if they have it, or you can buy it
online. It really works on the temperament. Make your wife the center of your attention. Make
her feel important in your life every single day. Always communicate
your thoughts, ideas and feelings with the woman you married. Yes, women
can get emotional sometimes, work with her, accept it and move on. If your wife works out of the home, know this...a man who can push a vacuum and cook is a real man in any woman's book. Be your wife's best friend. But even more important than that is to be her man! You can read the companion article to this one called How To Love The Man You Married and ask your wife is she read it too. Be completely humble and gentle, be patient bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. (Ephesians 4:2-3) Book Resource: LOVE