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What's Inside this Ebook

*Marriage Belongs to God
*Is Your Marriage Set Apart From the World?
*Loved Ones of Alcoholics Still Have Responsibilities
*Understanding God’s Perception on Addiction
*Healing From Years of Emotional and Mental Abuse
*Commitment Means Working on our Personal Problems
*Caught in a Spider’s Trap
*What Is God’s Will For Your Marriage?
*Facts About Marriage 
Are There *Exceptions to the Marriage Law?
*Only Death Ends Marriage, according to God


Biblically Speaking, Can I Divorce my Alcoholic Spouse? 


Is Divorce the Answer?

Is divorce the answer to ending the frustration and suffering of living with an alcoholic spouse? When we are going through suffering in our marriage, divorce almost always seems like the light at the end of the tunnel, but it isn't always as bright as we think. It is God's will that we take the good times of our marriage along with the bad. Together couples can conquer addiction by working on self-healing and being supportive of each other. This ebook expresses God's will for couples in marriage who are going through the sufferings and pains of addiction. We know its never easy, but putting the solutions we advise in our ebook will make living with, and loving an alcoholic, easier for the whole family. We know because we've been there. 

Alcoholism is a Family Affair

Jumping the hurdle of addiction may seem very difficult to do, because it is, but overcoming will make you stronger and wiser people because of your willingness to conquer adversity in your personal life and marriage. Because alcoholism involves the whole family, we feel it is wise for the whole family to work together as team players and pray for the alcoholic's recovery and pray for the peace and contentment you need to detach from the alcoholic's behaviors. Only when the family stops enabling through becoming emotionally unattached to the alcoholic will the alcoholic realize he or she must take responsibility for the addiction. In fact, your emotional detachment IS what helps the alcoholic help themselves!

 We  hope that you make good use of our healing materials that we have carefully put together by putting the strategies and guidance to work in your personal life and marriage. It is very possible to learn to live with and love the alcoholic in your life, without "it" making YOU go crazy. Don't let addiction steal another minute of your day!

Thank you for your support of our ministry!.
Angie and Frank

Important: After you pay for this ebook, you will be redirected to a page on our website where you can download the ebook, which will open instantly and you can download onto your computer.

Hi Angie. I read all of the articles on your website on addiction in marriage.  I came across it via google and it gave me hope, as in my heart I know I didn't marry the wrong person, even though people on the outside would try and say different.  Too many people give advice to 'jump ship', but I know divorce has it's own inherent problems.  I have learnt so many strategies for living life in peace, no matter what the circumstances.  It means a lot to me to have you and your husband praying for my husband and marriage.  I look forward to reading more on your website and going back to the material when I need a little encouragement!
Thanks again!