Precepts On Marriage by Angie Lewis

Precepts of marriage based on a heavenly endowed partnership.
  • Couples who pray together stay together.
  • Couples who understand themselves and utilize their inner spirit have better marriages.
  • Wives who respect the role of their husbands and allow them to be captain of the ship, find it's sails steering into many blessings at the shore.
  • Husbands who respect the role of the wife as being the helpmate and co-worker within marriage, find it flourishes with abundance and the marriage grows and is happy.
  • Couples who give each other room to grow and be themselves will find their partners are less stressful and more caring and giving.
Learn to utilize every aspect in marriage towards the good of the relationship
  • Forgive by letting go of resentment
  • Communicate feelings effectively for spiritual growth
  • Shift your man-made foundation into a spiritual supported base when dealing with problems
  • Learn to use your God given talents positively in marriage
  • Detach with love and allow your partner freedom to be who they are.
  • Pray together and humble yourselves to each other.

    The power of our words-by what we say and how we say it becomes a learned "way of behaving" and eventually will break down the structural integrity of the relationship.


A great marriage involves team players working towards the good of the relationship. This is what "Team Work" is all about. We should help pull together the area in the relationship where our partners are less practiced. This way the marriage is complimented by each others ideas, goals and working environment. When we do this the marriage becomes one institution, instead of two institutions fighting to take the lead.

We can always try and take the easy way out and continually harass our partner as we try to take the splinter out of their eye. But it won't do a bit of good, until we take the log out of our own first. By realizing our own actions and how we can change, we can then see clearly enough to react in beneficial ways toward our spouse when problems do occur.

Most of the newsletters, articles and books that Heaven Ministries publishes center on the personal spiritual growth in maintaining a happy and peaceful marriage and family. 


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