Motherhood: The Most Important Job!

Heaven Ministries Copyright  © 2006

In the 1950’s and still, even in the 60’s, many married women stayed home and raised children, cleaned the house, sewed, cooked, etc. Some of them did volunteer work or had part-time jobs that did not take away from their obligations in the home. Today, attitudes have changed drastically and have made the housewife and mother something to look down upon. 

Motherhood is the most important and challenging job a woman will ever undertake in her lifetime. It is the one job that will give her satisfaction of mind and soul, if only she would stop listening to the opposition. Those mothers who do not allow what others say become a part of their belief system are completely satisfied being a housewife and mother. Isn’t that something? Some women think it is old fashion to stay home, cook and be a mother? How can being there (serving) for your family be old fashion? I don’t get that? How can a woman loving her family be old fashion? 

Am I saying that a woman who works doesn’t love her family? No. But, I firmly believe that women have obligations in the home and that should take precedence over anything else. I did say obligations, didn’t I? Women today may feel they don’t have any domestic obligations since they are now helping to bring home some of the bacon. And that’s perfectly fine when there are no children involved. Married women with children have an obligation to be there for their children. Why have children if you aren’t going to be their mother? 

I have said this a thousand times, but I have to say it again. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a mother working outside of the home, if it does not interfere with family obligations. So what constitutes an obligation? Well to begin with, as mothers we are obligated to nurture and discipline our children properly. Smaller children need their mother to be home with them; it is excellent for their little minds to have a growing, loving bond with their mother. Children also love discipline; it keeps them aware of what is right and wrong so later they won’t identify themselves with the wrong crowd. A mother is obligated to cook for her family nutritious meals, at least most of the time. If you can work and also care for your family, great!

A disorderly and chaotic home life can be difficult and confusing to deal with, especially for children. It makes them feel like they have that made up disease they like to call Attention Deficient Disorder. They are so confused they believe they really have it! No one knows when dinner will be ready, or what is going to be for dinner. Judy is hungry and has leftover cake and soda for a snack. Jeremy has baseball practice but can’t find his left cleat. Judy is so frazzled she can’t find her school assignment that is due the next day. And no one knows when mom’s going to be home. 

“Where is mom? I’m hungry?” Whines Sally. Dirty dishes from the night before fill the sink so you can’t even get a drink of water. Henry and Billy won’t stop beating each other up, and by the time husband comes home, all he wants is some food and his kind, smiling wife to greet him. But there is nothing cooked and no smiling wife to be found. Bologna sandwich again?

Wow. I would have attention deficient disorder too if I lived in a house like that. It is hard to focus when everything is chaotic in a child’s life. Children thrive on organization and structure. Let me ask you this for you self-employed people out there: What would happen if you left your business four hours early everyday, with the manager, for a month? After one month, check your profit and loss statements. Also check with the employee’s about what went on in your absence. The bottom line is no one can take care of your business better than you can. After all, you are the owner and it is your pride and joy. And…no one can take care of your children like you can, because after all, you are their parents and they are your pride and joy, right? 

A loving mother is the key to a child’s future. She is worth far more than gold and rubies. A mother who is home for her children is giving them the best gift they will ever receive in their lifetime. The dad who disciplines his children is giving them the next best gift they will ever receive in a lifetime. 

Discipline your son, and he will give you peace; he will bring delight to your soul. (Proverbs 29:17 NIV)

More importantly, as Christian mothers and dads, we also have a responsibility to instruct our children in the faith and to encourage them to follow wisdom. We do that by following wisdom ourselves. Parents are the examples. 

In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should be lost. (Matthew 18:14 NIV)