Home Schooling and Working a Part Time Job
by Angie Lewis


Is it possible to home school your children and work a part time job at the same time? I think that with the right organizational skills, it can be achievable to give your children a good education while still working three to five hours a day.  I am not talking about a career driven jetsetter here, but a woman who believes her family would benefit from the extra income.

About five years ago, I had a part time job as a secretary for a private attorney three days a week. My hours were 10:00 am to around 2:00 pm, give or take a half hour on some days. Fortunately, I worked it out with my husband that on the three days I worked he would be home with our sons, then ages, 16, 12, and 11.

Before I left for work, I would make the boys a quick breakfast, usually oatmeal or a fruit bowl. Then, I would put out the materials they were to study, which varied because of the age differences, but usually consisted of Spelling, Math, English, Reading and Geography. My oldest was working through the GED book and didn’t really need me for anything.  If my two youngest had questions on a certain assignment, they were to write their questions down on paper so when I came home we could go over the problems together.

This schedule worked out well for our family because my husband could be home with our sons. We felt that if we had to send the boys to a day care while I worked it would not have been beneficial financially or for the well being of the boys. It was never an option for us to have someone else looking after our children and this is one of the reasons we decided to home school.

For us, me working outside the home a few days a week worked great. But I think parents who home school need to think about all the pros and cons of a wife and mother working outside of the home, especially if dad is gone all day working too.

For an example is it worth it in the long run to pay a day care center or baby sitter to watch over your children while you work? Once you tally the cost of gas, new clothes for work, vehicle expense and weekly day care costs, is it really advantageous to your family? In most cases it is not.  After you put the figures down on paper, often times you will find that it just isn’t worth giving up your children’s happiness and education over.

In this day and age and with the technological advances now at our fingertips, why can’t a working mom bring her job to her home? I realize that this is not possible with all jobs, but with many of them it is.  I think all moms who have a job they can bring to their home should bring this practical and very important concept up to their employer. Not only is it advantageous for your own family to work from your home, but also it is beneficial for the community, your employer, and the life of all marriages and families as a whole. 

This brings me to working from your home while home schooling your children. While this is the most beneficial advantage for home and family, it still takes a bit of organizational skills but at least you have the option of being more in control of your schedule and how you want to handle that time. Most importantly, you are there for your children if and when they need you, which if they are young can be a lot.

As a mother, you know what works best for your family. So No matter what becomes paramount in your home, remember to balance it all out with fun time for the whole family to enjoy together!

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Heaven Ministries ~ Angie Lewis