5 Ways to Develop Your Child’s Self Esteem

Copyright © 2005 Heaven Ministries Angie Lewis  

I have been profoundly blessed with three sons, ages 16, 17 and 21.  They are almost all grown up, and it makes me absolutely miserable to think that in a few years I won’t have my three big guys around forever and that saddens my heart. I’m very close with my sons because I have had the most wonderful opportunity to home educate them. My sons have never stepped foot in a public school. They are still virgins; they don’t cuss, smoke, drink, or do drugs of any kind. They are polite, respectful, Intelligent, and honest young men.

Did you know that in general home-educated children have better self-images? If your child is home schooled there is no bullying going on, no drugs being offered, no bad crowds, no sexual temptations, and no peer pressure for them to contend to. It’s great!  Here are five ways to develop your child’s self esteem. Don't misunderstand just because your child goes to a public school does not mean he will not have a good self esteem, this article is pro-home school and geared towards those parents that are home schooling now, or are thinking about home schooling.

  1. Home Educate:

If your child is home educated he becomes what it is he is! His character is allowed to develop in its natural way, without the consequence of another’s identity confusing him or her from mounting peer pressure. If your child is home educated his individual personality will come from his environment in the home so it is very important that this environment be well supported and preserved by the parents by being good examples. 

Did you know that by the age of 14 most girls in school are pressured to have sex? Isn’t it also true that there are condom dispensers in the public school hallways? It is absolutely incredible the pressures our children are subjected to every single day!  Drugs, bad attitudes, liars, cheaters, rapists, scammers, and murderers abound in the schools. Isn’t this reason enough for you to take control of your child’s life?

  1. Parents should have confidence in their abilities:

If a parent lacks self-confidence to teach their children at home they will probably feel uneasy about home schooling and not do anything about it.  I felt uneasy teaching my sons at first too, but I knew that it was the right thing to do for them and our family. I was right. And you will be right too.

Did you know that with the right encouragement and positive affirmations the home-educated child can achieve anything and everything his or her heart desires. He will not have an attitude problem, low self-worth, sexual temptations, or addictions standing in his way.  Ask any mother or dad who home-schools.

It doesn’t take a college degree to teach your children the basics of learning Math, Science, and English. What it  does take though is a parent who wants to see their child become all that they can become in life!  What I’m saying is ANYONE can teach his or her child at home. You can teach your child in one day what it takes the public school system in several weeks!

Home education is much more then having your nose in a textbook though. It is about giving your child what most children don’t get in public school, self worth! Parents can give their children the excellent self-image that is missing in society today by taking the time to teach, encourage, and praise their child’s efforts. Parents can be the promoter and supporter of what their child becomes in life. You can educate your child at home and become a better person/parent because of it. You really can!

  1. Do not compare your children with other children:

This is what happens in public school every single day.  Peer pressure is comparing. It is a measuring-up system that sizes up each and every child and then assigns him or her a category or label. These labels are jock, goat-roper, pothead, stoner, geek, druggie, nerd, bully, whore, and the list goes on. Young minds that are still learning and growing will do things they shouldn’t just so they can be accepted into the group and label of their choice. The good news is if our children our home educated none of this garbage exists.

  1. Praise and encouragement:

This goes without saying that we parents are the encourager for our children. We should know and seek out our child’s endeavors and praise them for the accomplishments he or she does, big or small. It means so much to a child when a busy parent takes the time to reassure, praise, and encourage. It can raise a child’s self esteem ten-fold and give them a positive attitude in life.

We build our children’s self-confidence by being in tune with what they are all about. Who are they? By walking with them we are allowing our child to become what it is they are instead of what we want him to become. A parent’s support actually tells the child how much they are valued for who they are in life.

  1. Positive reinforcement:

We have to reinforce what we say and do by being consistent with what we say and do. This is the strengthening support that will establish the level of self worth in our child and what he or she does with that self worth. Whether they want to be a teacher, scientist, fireman, doctor, or archeologist, the support from us when he is young will give him the encouragement to meet his goals, ambitions, and aspirations in his life.