Chapters Part
1 *Stop
Trying to Fix the Alcoholic Part
II *10 Obvious Ways We Enable or
Rescue Part III How to Cope when Married to and Living with an Alcoholic? Biblically Speaking Can I Divorce my Spouse? *Marriage Belongs to
God Part
IV *How
Alcoholism Controls Your Life |
You Seen Dr. Jekyl Drink Himself Into Mr. Hyde? - Are you living with a Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde? - Do you wake up in the morning and wish you didn't have to start the day with an abusive alcoholic? - Are you riding on an addictive roller coaster ride with the alcoholic you married? - Do you often feel afraid and depressed because you don't know how the alcoholic is going to behave? Well, it's time to break free! - Do you often feel like you are drowning with the alcoholic? - Do you often feel sad, panicky, depressed, stressed out, helpless, and emotionally and spiritually sick? Don’t go under with the alcoholic. We're going to show you how to swim quickly back to the shore! - It's time to get off the roller coaster ride and rescue yourself from the behaviors of the alcoholic you live with and love. This eBook is in four parts. please view on the left each part included in this Ebook to see that we have left nothing out. This Book is an essential read if you are married to an alcoholic! Don't be left behind. Everyone who is married to an alcoholic is learning to detach and get their life back, and so can you! We have included in How to Detach From an Alcoholic Spouse helpful tips on helping the alcoholic to sobriety and more ways to cope when married to and living with an alcoholic, plus, how to set boundaries that give you back your life. Did you know these facts about alcoholism? 1) When the enabler stops
enabling, the alcoholic has a better chance at sobriety? We have been there and done and this is why we can help you, today!
Discover The Secrets of Emotional Detachment This Ebook offers everything there is to learn about detaching from the alcoholic and still loving them at the same time! We hope that you make good use of our healing from addiction materials that we have carefully put together by putting the strategies and guidance to work in your personal life and marriage. It is very possible to learn to live with and love the alcoholic in your life, without "it" making YOU go crazy. Don't let addiction steal another minute of your day! We offer the solutions you need to get your life back and be happy while living with the alcoholic.
You Don't Have To Feel Helpless and Frustrated Say good bye to helplessness and frustration and say hello to "I've got my life back"! Learn the proper ways to react to the alcoholic. Learn when to react to the alcoholic. Learn why your reactions can keep the alcoholic stuck within the addiction. Learn how YOU can be a valuable help to the alcoholic.
Don't be the Victim Any Longer Addiction is so cunning that the alcoholic can manipulate their way into your emotions in such a way to make you believe you are the victim instead of them! Cut the rope! Tough love is all about cutting the rope between you and the alcoholic. Married couples are and always will be attached because God created them as “one flesh” in marriage, but you don’t have to be attached to the symptoms of alcoholism. You must help your self first before you can help the alcoholic. We hope that you make good use of our healing materials that we have carefully put together by putting the strategies and guidance to work in your personal life and marriage. It is very possible to learn to live with and love the alcoholic in your life, without "it" making YOU go crazy. Don't let addiction steal another minute of your day!
Is Divorce
the Answer When Married to an Alcoholic? Is divorce the answer to ending the frustration and suffering of living with an alcoholic spouse? When we are going through suffering in our marriage, divorce almost always seems like the light at the end of the tunnel, but it isn't always as bright as we think. It is God's will that we take the good times of our marriage along with the bad. Together couples can conquer addiction by working on self-healing and being supportive of each other. This ebook expresses God's will for couples in marriage who are going through the sufferings and pains of addiction. We know its never easy, but putting the solutions we advise in our ebook will make living with, and loving an alcoholic, easier for the whole family. We know because we've been there. In very few instances will you have to leave the alcoholic. Alcoholism is a Family Affair But You Can Overcome!! Jumping the hurdle of being married to an alcoholic may seem very difficult to do, because it is, but overcoming through your own personal growth will make you stronger and wiser person because of your willingness to conquer adversity in your personal life and marriage. You can overcome! We've done it and many other spouses of alcoholics have done it too. We hope that you make good use of our healing materials that we have carefully put together by putting the strategies and guidance to work in your personal life and marriage. It is very possible to learn to live with and love the alcoholic in your life, without "it" making YOU go crazy. Don't let addiction steal another minute of your day! Start Taking Care of You Now!
Testimonies From
those who have purchased our ebooks or books on alcoholism I LOVE YOUR column and I have your book. I thought I was detaching but after reading today I realize I have a long ways to go...
Hi Angie n
Frank, this book is
really helpful for me. now it is easy for me to understand my husband
and his alcohol problem. i will try my best to be calm n
patient while his drinking n give him all my love n
support.......................you guys are doing great job. keep it
up. God bless you. thanx.
Hi, I downloaded your ebook How to Detach... Info has been very helpful! Thanks for your time & thanks for all the info! T. Hi, this isn't so much a request for marriage guidance, but a thank you for this website (Heaven Ministries). It has answered questions that have remained unanswered for me for a long time and very few people actually understand that I'm not mad to stay with my husband who's an alcoholic binge drinker. I am a Christian and love my husband. We need more articles of this type, as opposed to 'get rid' and move on advice. Anyway, thanks again you have really encouraged me and given me hope. Angie Lewis's book gives insight into the mind of an alcoholic and the chaos that ensues. I truly believe that most humans are touched by either alcohol or an alcoholic at some point in our lives. This book is a great resource and I encourage those who have authority to place this book where many can draw from the experience, wisdom, and ministry that Angie and her husband offer. (Review of Angie's book, The Alcoholism Trap) Hi Angie. I read all of the articles on your
website on addiction in marriage. I came across it via google and it
gave me hope, as in my heart I know I didn't marry the wrong person, even
though people on the outside would try and say different. Too many
people give advice to 'jump ship', but I know divorce has it's own
inherent problems. I have learnt so many strategies for living life in
peace, no matter what the circumstances. It means a lot to me to have
you and your husband praying for my husband and marriage. I
look forward to reading more on your website and going back to the
material when I need a little encouragement! Yesterday morning, I remembered I had purchased
your book “The
Alcoholism Trap”. We sat down and read it aloud to each other.
Both of us found so much comfort in your words and the bible verses. You
are right…only God can delivery Jim. Thank you
so much for the strength in your words! I
want to thank you Angie for your transparency and
for your article “Overcoming Addiction”. Angie, |